Hunter College > Social Sciences Lab > Faculty > Web Server Policies

Social Science Faculty Web Server (urban):
Policies and Regulations

Eligibility:To have a website account, you must be a faculty member or an approved graduate student within a Hunter College social sciences department.
  •  Disk Space quotas:
  • 10 Mb for faculty members
  • 5 Mb for approved graduate students


Upkeep:Account holders are responsible for backing up the contents of their web sites. Always keep
copies of all your files offline. Regular backups of users' files will not be performed by the system administrator.


  • The Hunter College logo (head of Athena) or Masthead may NOT be used on faculty or graduate student web pages. Website owners should use their judgment in determining whether a page is an official Hunter College document or a "personal" page. For official documents, such as course syllabi, the "Hunter College" name may be used in the title; for "personal" pages it may not be used. Having the Hunter College name in the title of a "personal" page would be a misrepresentation of an endorsement by the college of the page contents. Such a misrepresentation would necessitate removal of the page from the server.

  • Only one password is given per account. When you are given a password you are expected to keep that password private and not to divulge it to anyone else. Only one person will be allowed to upload files (pages). All activities undertaken with your password will be your responsibility. If more than one person is found to be using your password' your pages will be removed from the server by the Social Sciences Computing Lab. Please note you can also see Electronic Mail Policy on Hunter College Systems for further regulations.

  • No commercial use. This website shouid not be used for any profit making ventures. Simply put, you should not be advertising, promoting, or selling anything on your site for the purpose of making a profit.

  • You will be responsible for all materials on your web pages. If these pages contain material or are used for purposes that are prohibited by civil or criminal law or college or university regulations, the owner of the page will be subject to all applicable penalties.

    Areas to be careful of are:

      1) Defamation of Character (libel, slander).

      2) Privacy - use of personal images or writings. Permission must to be requested for authorization from the appropriate source to use personal works or images for publication on the web.

      3) Copyrighted materials - you must ask permission of the copyright holder to use their material on your website. Linking to copyrighted materials on the web is a lot easier than copying. There are several sites you might want to check regarding this topic:

You should also keep in mind that your website is on an interstate and global communications device, which makes breaking of any of the laws above not only an interstate matter and therefore under U.S. Federal jurisdictions, but also potentially under the legal jurisdiction of other countries.As publishers in the real world, it is important that you know your rights and responsibilities. Check the rules and policies in the ACS Guide, the Hunter catalog and CUNY, as well as legal sites on the web for more information. As stated above, Hunter assumes no responsibility for the pages you create - if there are complaints, we will refer them to you!If you have questions about these policies, you may contact the Social Sciences Computing Lab at 212-772-5605

Note: parts of this page were adapted from the text of the Policies & Regulations page of Hunter's student web server, authored by Howard Tarragon at Student Services.

This page was last updated on July 16, 2003

Hunter College, Social Sciences Computing Lab
East Building, Room B118, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
phone: 212-772-5605
email address: